
How To Create An Empty Vector In R

Empty vectors take 0 length in R. There are several ways to create empty vectors and add elements. A vector is a basic information structure that contains elements of the same type. Let'due south see how to create or initialize the empty vector in R.

How to Create an Empty Vector in R

To create an empty vector in R,

  1. Using the vector() method
  2. Utilize the c() method
  3. Using numeric() method
  4. Employ the rep() method
  5. Assigning Aught to an existing vector.

Create an empty Vector using the vector() method

To create an empty vector in R, employ the vector() method and don't pass any parameter. Past default, it will create an empty vector.


To check the length of the vector, use the length() method.

                          rv <- vector()              length(rv)                      


The length() method will return the length of the vector object passed in the argument.

You can add elements to the vector.

                          rv <- vector()              length(rv)              cat("Subsequently calculation elements to an empty vector", "\due north")              rv <- c(i:7)              rv              length(rv)                      


            [i] 0 After adding elements to an empty vector [one] 1 2 3 4 5 vi 7 [1] 7          

And you can encounter from the output that we have added the elements to the vector.

Using the c() method to create an empty Vector

The c() method is mainly used for creating a vector in R. Nosotros tin can also use the c() method to empty the vector.

                          rv <- c()              rv              cat("length of rv : ", length(rv), "\n")              is.null(rv)                      


            Null length of rv : 0 [1] True          

As yous can see, we created an empty vector using the c() function.

Using numeric() function

The numeric() role in R creates a double-precision vector of the length specified in the argument with all values zero.

So, we will create a vector with 0 length using the numeric() function.

                          rv <- numeric(0)              rv              true cat("length of rv : ", length(rv), "\n")                      


            numeric(0) length of rv : 0          

Using rep( ) part

The rep() part replicates the values in the input information . It is a generic role.

                          rv <- rep(NULL, 0)              rv              cat("length of rv : ", length(rv), "\due north")                      


Here, you can utilize the is.null() office to check if the vector is Cipher or not. The is.nada() role returns a boolean vector that is either TRUE or FALSE.

You can create an empty vector with the rep() part and NA. The "NA" in R designates a missing value known as Not Available.

                          rv <- rep(NA, 0)              rv              length(rv)              is.null(rv)                      


            logical(0) [1] 0 [1] False          

As you can meet, the rep() function with NA returns an empty vector, but it has no NULL value.

Assigning Naught to an existing vector

Assigning any vector to a Naught value, then that existing vector will become empty of NULL type.

                          rv <- 1:5              rv              length(rv)              rv <- Goose egg              rv              length(rv)              is.null(rv)                      


            [1] 1 2 three 4 v [1] 5 Nix [1] 0 [ane] Truthful          

Beginning, we initialized a vector with 5 elements and so assigned the NULL value to empty the vector of blazon NULL.


Based on your requirements, nosotros accept seen many ways to create an empty vector, and yous can use one of the above approaches. You can use the c() function, vector() method, rep() or assign a NULL value to the existing vector or initialize the vector with Zippo.

Run into also

How to create an empty list in R

How to create an empty information frame in R

How to create an empty matrix in R


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